The Secret Agent
youkai strongholds of Down There were always built in the harshest and most
barren places, where the landscape alone seemed to threaten the traveller.
Deserts, mountain fastnesses or, like this one, rock-tumbled wastelands. All
food had to be brought from afar, all water laboriously brought up from deep
wells. But hey, they couldn't build their palaces in the middle of a field or
next to a river, Zenon thought with a grin. That'd make life too easy.
lit a cigarette and leaned against the twisted trunk of a blasted tree. These
were the co-ordinates, half a kilometre from the Ox-King's castle, and this was
the time, half an hour after sunset on the first day of the third month, going
by Down There's calendar.
was a sliding of stones to his right. Zenon turned to see who was coming. A
tall youkai came down the hill and approached the tree. Stood a safe distance
back from it.
name is Souei, at your service. I am to conduct you to His Majesty's presence."
was as tall as himself, and lean. Bare to the waist, in the barbaric youkai
fashion, showing off tight muscles on shoulder and chest. The blue skin marking
that crossed his nose was as disconcerting as youkai markings always were-
patterns where no patterns should be, like crazy tattoos. But at least he had
manners and knew how to address a superior, which was more than Zenon had
expected. Dealing with these half-animals wasn't supposed to be fun- it was
like negotiating with pigs, actually- but work was work.
made their way through the increasing dark, not to the front gate of course but
to a postern around the back. Souei knocked; it opened silently, and they
passed an ancient youkai who eyed them suspiciously and made an odd sign with
his hand as Zenon passed. Up yours too, Gramps, he thought. Thence
into a low tunnel, dimly lit, and to a flight of stairs. Sneaking the kami into
the palace, yeah, cause even the great mucky-muck Ox King with his great
muckey-muck pretensions to be High King of all Down There, the biggest hog in
the wallow, can't afford to have a kami walk right into his throne chamber.
Scare all his pointy-eared ass-kissers into fits, one, and maybe- yeah, just
maybe, someone else had their spies here too, paid to tell them what was going
on. Litouten-sama might not be the only kami with plans for Down There, and
this Souei he'd bought might not be the only youkai working for Heavenly pay. Wonder
what Li's offered him? Maybe nothing. Maybe the man had his hopes riding on
the message that Zenon was bringing to his King now. Certainly it was the sort
of thing a youkai'd want to hear. Do your worst. We'll stand back and not lift
a finger.
door, this one guarded. The great shambling youkai in front of it exchanged
monosyllabic words with Souei, and then went into the chamber.
may I make a request?"
majesty is a king. He's used to a certain... deference. If you'd perhaps-
refrain from reminding him too strongly which of you is master, it will be
easier to fulfill your mission."
snorted. "Yeah, I can manage that. 'f he doesn't push me too hard."
not put his son against you too strongly."
The son'll be here too?"
I--" They were interrupted. The big youkai was back, jerking a thumb
behind him. Zenon walked through the door and into an eight-sided room. Not a
reception chamber. You didn't walk the length of a hallway with your eyes fixed
on the throne at the end. You were in and bang, there was the Ox-king in front
of you, big and nasty and looking at you with suspicious black eyes above a
bushy black beard. Beard. These youkai...
knelt on one knee. "Your Majesty, I bring you the kami Zenon-sama, as
the youkai king said. Whether that was him talking to Zenon or him talking
about Zenon wasn't clear. 'Youkai,' Zenon wanted to say back, but restrained
himself. He was here to do Litouten-sama's work, and the sooner he got it done
the sooner he could leave.
he said, with something a bit more than a nod but nowhere near a bow. "I
am Zenon. I serve the Great Minister of Heaven, Litouten, confidante of the
Jade Emperor and Minister of War in supreme command of the Heavenly Army."
does a servant of the great minister want with Us?" the king growled in
his beard.
to tell you how things stand in Heaven right now," Zenon said easily.
"Just for your information. Stuff you might want to know."
know how things are up there. They're the way they've always been. You can have
nothing new to tell us, Kami."
is new. Change in heaven. Kami who've looked outside the system that hasn't
moved for tens of thousands of years- looked down on earth and seen something
worth having."
The king's tone was suspicious.
"Humans," Zenon
smiled. "No, not something you'd want for yourself. Not the way you'd want
them, at any rate." Youkai were flesh-eaters. Cannibals. Animals. But no
matter. "Fresh blood. We're inbred, up there. No new births, no children,
haven't been for a thousand years. We need to take in new stock."
ahead," the king said. His expression was like a wall. "What's
stopping you?"
Privilege. The way it's always been done. The granddads saying humans are lower
than kami, got to stay on earth, no way you can go bringing *that* into Heaven.
Go rut down here if you want to, but leave your get behind you." The
king's eyes blinked. He wasn't following where this was leading. "But
that's no good, and the great minister knows it's no good. There has to be a
way to bring the humans up from earth, the ones suitable to marry with kami,
the ones who've had children already, so they can become a real part of Heaven
and get society moving again." OK, put it in words of one syllable.
Ox-king and ox-brain. "We need a disaster. A reason to evacuate the humans
we've fixed on. Something big, a real danger. Hey, a flood would be great, but
you know- floods, they don't happen when you want them. So- you know- something
else. Something that makes down here dangerous for humans. So the kami can
insist that their wives and children be given shelter in Heaven."
you by chance one of those kami?" It was a redhaired youkai standing to
the side.
chance at all. I am."
that true?" The redhead was talking to Souei.
I just said--" Zenon began angrily, but Souei cut across him.
please. Yes, your highness, it is true. He has a wife and son in the eastern
So that was the prince, huh?
Zenon said to him. The prince just looked back at him with distaste. That was
better, actually. Straightforward dislike and none of this mealy-mouthed
pretending. "Yeah, I've got a wife and kid, and I want them with me."
The hell I do. Up there with the snots and the farts pointing fingers? "If
things got so bad down here that I could go to the emperor and demand he bring
them to Heaven, I'd be really pleased."
the prince said. Disdain in that arched eyebrow, like he didn't believe a word
Zenon was saying. An act. Zenon knew he was too good a liar to give anyone
doubts. "So the great minister is promising he'll stay out of any wars we
might begin against humankind?"
Zenon affected surprise. "The great minister doesn't promise anything. The
great minister's got nothing to do with this. He doesn't know that you people have
your eyes on the human lands-"
the prince snarled, but Zenon ignored him.
got nothing to do with /him/ if half the kami are having affairs down here,
including the Emperor's own sister--"
king looked startled. "Is that a fact?"
a fact. Everyone knows about it, up *and* down. Bet even your pal here
does." He nodded bad-temperedly at Souei.
that affair is very dangerous to speak of."
shrugged. "Up There, maybe. Down Here, who's listening? She had a kid by a
human," he told the king. "They stashed him away and tried to hush it
up. So if even the emperor's family is doing it..."
this talk," the Prince cut in. "Yet you give us no guarantees. Why
should we believe a word you say?"
all I'm doing is telling you how it is up there. Guarantees? What do you need
guarantees for?"
Emperor is in his dotage- has been for millennia. He sees threats to his rule
everywhere. He clutches his power to himself like an ape with a nut--"
Zenon said, pretending outrage.
destroyed everything he thinks threatens his rule. He didn't hesitate to send
his armies against the dragons because he thought them too powerful, and he
won't hesitate to send them against us."
Zenon said. "What I'm saying here goes no farther than this room,
OK?" He looked at the King. "Yeah, the Emperor is getting old. He's
losing it. He can be talked into things and talked out of them. These days it's
the great minister does the talking. Give the great minister a good reason to
talk sense to the Emperor, and you won't be hearing any complaints. Not from
the Emperor, not from the great minister, not from me and not from the people
like me. OK?"
the king said. "I understand what you say. It makes sense."
don't believe him! I've told you, you can't think of extending your power
unless you're prepared to take on Heaven as well."
be silent! What son of mine talks in that lily-livered fashion?"
son who has the sense he was born with!"
the kind thundered. "Get back to your mother. Tell her if she's going to
birth me cowards, to see that they're at least mannerly cowards!"
The prince glared at his father in
fury, fists clenched. Then he whipped about and strode down the room. He
stopped only for a moment in front of Zenon.
won't forget this, Kami! And I won't forgive you!"
gave him a smile. Hackneyed exit line, Prince. He thought the young man
would explode, but instead he stormed away in silence.
gave a small speaking sigh. "I seem to have angered the Prince. My
son is a fool," the king said. "I shall get myself another one, and
soon. Meanwhile, we will consider your words well, Kami. You may thank your
master for us."
thanks, I hope," he gave the king a direct look, "will be
ours." He made himself nod as a gesture at a farewell bow, turned on his
heel and walked out of the room with Souei padding behind him.
the hallway Zenon lit a cigarette. "Now get me outta here. This place
smells." No need for nicey-niceness any more. Souei bowed- man, he acted
like one of Heaven's chamberlains- and led him back outside.
Souei said when they were well away from the palace.
that true about the Emperor's sister?"
Yeah, of course it is. You heard the talk-"
haven't. The great minister's messages are always to the point. He does not
discuss Heaven's affairs with youkai."
Zenon was momentarily flummoxed. "Well. Nice back-up there, then.
welcome, Zenon-sama."
sent him a considering look. Not the dumbwit that youkai usually were. Litouten
knew how to pick them. "So. You happy about this? You're gonna have human
for breakfast, lunch and dinner from now on."
am glad my king will be able to carry out his great ambitions," Souei
said. He sounded morose. "I however will needs be looking for a new
master, and soon."
Zenon asked sharply. The man couldn't suspect anything, surely? "The
king'll be pretty pleased with you now."
king's son will not. I think my life will be both unpleasant and short should I
remain here much longer. However," he shrugged and smiled. "The fault
is mine for not having been able to persuade the Prince to the great minister's
cause as well as his father. One pays for failure."
Zenon said, in the satisfaction of a mission accomplished. "One
does." He looked about him. "This is the spot. I'll be going
Zenon-sama. I think we will not meet again."
probably not. Not if you get taken out with your king when Ox-brain starts
running amuck down here and scaring Heaven to death. Litouten's toushin will
take care of that. Old Sausage-head's gonna be the Saviour of Heaven, and
you're gonna be dead meat.
pity, in its way. The man was useful, for a youkai.
he said. "Tell you what. You head out for the eastern continent. Town on
the Long River, called Peachstream. My wife's there- Mirai her name is, anyone
can tell you where she lives. You get there in time, I'll see if I can get a
place for you in our household."
in Heaven?" Souei said. There was something wrong with his smile. He must
suspect things weren't on the level. He wasn't dumb.
Zenon said, straightfaced. "Up in Heaven."
you, Zenon-sama. It will be my pleasure to serve you."
Feb 03